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authorJohn Benediktsson <>2022-03-24 21:07:28 -0700
committerJohn Benediktsson <>2022-03-24 21:07:28 -0700
commit7e18d16192f5519a881487b18e79aa2ece404e28 (patch)
parent882a73f99ff36dc61a1876f0a4b919e60f1325ef (diff)
svfig-talk: adding draft of the SVFIG talk
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svfig-talk/svfig-talk.factor b/svfig-talk/svfig-talk.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a880c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svfig-talk/svfig-talk.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+USING: help.markup namespaces peg.ebnf slides typed ;
+IN: svfig-talk
+CONSTANT: svfig-slides
+ { $slide "Factor!"
+ { $url "" }
+ "Development started in 2003"
+ "Open source (BSD license)"
+ "Influenced by Forth, Lisp, and Smalltalk"
+ "Blurs the line between language and library"
+ "Interactive development"
+ }
+ { $slide "Concepts"
+ "Concatenative"
+ "Dynamic types"
+ "Extensible syntax"
+ "Fully-compiled"
+ "Cross-platform"
+ "Clickable"
+ }
+ { $slide "Concatenative"
+ { $code "1 2 + ." }
+ { $code "3 weeks ago noon ." }
+ { $code "\"hello\" rot13 ." }
+ { $code "URL\"\" http-get" }
+ { $code "10 [ \"Hello, Factor\" print ] times" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Words"
+ "Defined at parse time"
+ "Parts: name, stack effect, definition"
+ "Composed of tokens separated by whitespace"
+ { $code ": palindrome? ( string -- ? ) dup reverse = ;" }
+ "Unit tests"
+ { $code "{ f } [ \"hello\" palindrome? ] unit-test"
+ "{ t } [ \"racecar\" palindrome? ] unit-test"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Quotations"
+ "Quotation: un-named blocks of code"
+ { $code "[ \"Hello, World\" print ]" }
+ "Combinators: words taking quotations"
+ { $code "10 dup 0 < [ 1 - ] [ 1 + ] if ." }
+ { $code "{ -1 1 -2 0 3 } [ 0 max ] map ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Vocabularies"
+ "Vocabularies: named sets of words"
+ { $link "vocab-index" }
+ { { $link POSTPONE: USING: } " loads dependencies" }
+ "Source, docs, tests in one place"
+ }
+ { $slide "Debugging Tools"
+ { "Let's implement the " { $snippet "fortune" } " program" }
+ { $code
+ "\"/opt/homebrew/share/games/fortunes/science\""
+ "ascii file-lines"
+ "{ \"%\" } split random"
+ "[ print ] each"
+ }
+ "Let's try it out!"
+ }
+ { $slide "Native Performance"
+ { $snippet "wc -l factor.image" }
+ "Counting lines is reasonably fast..."
+ { $code
+ ": simple-wc ( path -- n )"
+ " binary <file-reader> ["
+ " 0 swap ["
+ " [ CHAR: \\n = ] count +"
+ " ] each-stream-block-slice"
+ " ] with-disposal ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Native Performance"
+ "But it can be even faster!"
+ { $code
+ "USE: tools.wc"
+ "\"factor.image\" wc ."
+ }
+ "Deploy as binary"
+ { $code "\"tools.wc\" deploy" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Visual Tools"
+ { $code
+ "\"Bigger\" { 12 18 24 72 } ["
+ " font-size associate format nl"
+ "] with each"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "10 <iota> ["
+ " \"Hello, World!\""
+ " swap 10 / 1 over - over 1 <rgba>"
+ " background associate format nl"
+ "] each"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE: images.http"
+ "\"\" http-image."
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE: lcd"
+ "<time-display> gadget."
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Interactive Development"
+ "Programming is hard, let's play tetris"
+ { $vocab-link "tetris" }
+ "Tetris is hard too... let's cheat"
+ { $code "\"tetris.tetromino\" edit-vocab" }
+ { "Factor workflow: change code, " { $snippet "F2" } ", test, repeat" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Parsing Words"
+ "Extensible syntax, DSLs"
+ "Most parsing words fall in one of two categories"
+ "First category: literal syntax for new data types"
+ "Second category: defining new types of words"
+ "Some parsing words are more complicated"
+ }
+ { $slide "Parsing Words - Pairs"
+ "Generic array syntax"
+ { $code "{ 1 2 }" }
+ { $code "\\ { see" }
+ "Custom pair syntax"
+ { $code "SYNTAX: => dup pop scan-object 2array suffix! ;" }
+ { $code "1 => 2" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Parsing Words - Dice"
+ { $vocab-link "dice" }
+ { $code "ROLL: 2d8+5"
+ "\"You do %s points of damage!\" printf" }
+ { $code "\\ ROLL: see" }
+ { $code "[ ROLL: 2d8+5 ] ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Parsing Words - Regexp"
+ { $vocab-link "regexp" }
+ "Pre-compiles regexp at parse time"
+ "Implemented with library code"
+ { $code "USE: regexp" }
+ { $code "\"ababbc\" \"[ab]+c\" <regexp> matches? ." }
+ { $code "\"ababbc\" R/ [ab]+c/ matches? ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Parsing Words - XML"
+ { $code
+ "USING: sequences xml.syntax xml.writer ;"
+ "{ \"three\" \"blind\" \"mice\" }"
+ "[ [XML <li><-></li> XML] ] map"
+ "[XML <ul><-></ul> XML]"
+ "pprint-xml"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Local Variabless"
+ "Sometimes, there's no good stack solution to a problem"
+ "Or, you're porting existing code in a quick-and-dirty way"
+ "Combinator with 5 parameters!"
+ { $code
+ ":: branch ( a b neg zero pos -- )"
+ " a b = zero [ a b < neg pos if ] if ; inline"
+ }
+ "Unwieldy with the stack"
+ }
+ { $slide "Local Variables"
+ { $code
+ ": check-drinking-age ( age -- )"
+ " 21"
+ " [ \"You're underage!\" print ]"
+ " [ \"Grats, you're now legal\" print ]"
+ " [ \"Go get hammered\" print ]"
+ " branch ;"
+ }
+ "Locals are entirely implemented in Factor"
+ "Example of compile-time meta-programming"
+ "No performance penalty -vs- using the stack"
+ }
+ { $slide "Dynamic Variables"
+ "Implemented as a stack of hashtables"
+ { "Useful words are " { $link get } ", " { $link set } }
+ "Input, output, error streams are stored in dynamic variables"
+ { $code "\"cat\ndog\nfish\" [ readln ] with-string-reader" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Assembly"
+ { $code
+"HOOK: rdtsc cpu ( -- n )
+M: x86.32 rdtsc
+ longlong { } cdecl [
+ ] alien-assembly ;
+M: x86.64 rdtsc
+ longlong { } cdecl [
+ RDX 32 SHL
+ ] alien-assembly ;" }
+ }
+ { $slide "FFI"
+ { $code "NAME
+ sqrt – square root function
+ #include <math.h>
+ double
+ sqrt(double x);" }
+ "Let's use it!"
+ { $code "FUNCTION: double sqrt ( double x )" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Destructors"
+ "Deterministic resource disposal"
+ "Any step can fail and we don't want to leak resources"
+ "We want to conditionally clean up sometimes"
+ { $code ": do-stuff ( -- )
+ [
+ 256 malloc &free
+ 256 malloc &free
+ ... work goes here ...
+ ] with-destructors ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Infix"
+ { "Syntax experiments with " { $vocab-link "infix" } }
+ "Infix word definitions:"
+ { $code "INFIX:: foo ( x y -- z ) sqrt(x)+y**3 ;" }
+ "Inline also:"
+ { $code "[let \"hello\" :> seq"
+ " [infix seq[::-1] infix]"
+ "]"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Profiling"
+ "Not tail recursive"
+ "Call tree is huge"
+ { $code
+ ": fib ( m -- n )"
+ " dup 1 > ["
+ " [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi +"
+ " ] when ;"
+ }
+ "Very slow! Let's profile it..."
+ { $code "[ 40 fib ] profile" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Profiling - Typed"
+ { "Type declarations with " { $link POSTPONE: TYPED: } }
+ { $code
+ "TYPED: fib ( m: fixnum -- n )"
+ " dup 1 > ["
+ " [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi +"
+ " ] when ;"
+ }
+ "A bit faster"
+ }
+ { $slide "Profiling - Memoize"
+ { "Memoization using " { $link POSTPONE: MEMO: } }
+ { $code
+ "MEMO: fib ( m -- n )"
+ " dup 1 > ["
+ " [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi +"
+ " ] when ;"
+ }
+ "Much faster"
+ }
+ { $slide "Macros"
+ "Expand at compile-time"
+ "Return a quotation to be compiled"
+ "Can express non-static stack effects"
+ { $code "MACRO: ndup ( n -- quot )"
+ " [ \\ dup ] [ ] replicate-as ;"
+ }
+ { $code "[ 5 ndup ] expand-macros" }
+ }
+ { $slide "PEG / EBNF"
+ { { $link POSTPONE: EBNF: } ": a complex parsing word" }
+ "Implements a custom syntax for expressing parsers"
+ { "Example: " { $vocab-link "printf" } }
+ { $code "\"Factor\" 2003 <year> ago duration>years"
+ "\"%s is %d years old\\n\" printf" }
+ { $code "[ \"%s monkeys\" printf ] expand-macros" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Objects"
+ "A tuple is a user-defined class which holds named values."
+ { $code
+ "TUPLE: rectangle width height ;"
+ "TUPLE: circle radius ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Objects"
+ "Constructing instances:"
+ { $code "rectangle new" }
+ { $code "rectangle boa" }
+ "Let's encapsulate:"
+ { $code
+ ": <rectangle> ( w h -- r ) rectangle boa ;"
+ ": <circle> ( r -- c ) circle boa ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Single Dispatch"
+ "Generic words and methods"
+ { $code "GENERIC: area ( shape -- n )" }
+ "Two methods:"
+ { $code
+ "USE: math.constants"
+ ""
+ "M: rectangle area"
+ " [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi * ;"
+ ""
+ "M: circle area radius>> sq pi * ;"
+ }
+ "We can compute areas now."
+ { $code "100 20 <rectangle> area ." }
+ { $code "3 <circle> area ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Multiple Dispatch"
+ { $code "SINGLETONS: rock paper scissors ;" }
+ "Win conditions:"
+ { $code "FROM: multi-methods => GENERIC: METHOD: ;"
+ ""
+ "GENERIC: beats? ( obj1 obj2 -- ? )"
+ ""
+ "METHOD: beats? { scissors paper } 2drop t ;"
+ "METHOD: beats? { rock scissors } 2drop t ;"
+ "METHOD: beats? { paper rock } 2drop t ;"
+ "METHOD: beats? { object object } 2drop f ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Multiple Dispatch"
+ { $code ": play. ( obj -- )"
+ " { rock paper scissors } random {"
+ " { [ 2dup beats? ] [ \"WIN\" ] }"
+ " { [ 2dup = ] [ \"TIE\" ] }"
+ " [ \"LOSE\" ]"
+ " } cond \"%s vs. %s: %s\n\" printf ;"
+ }
+ { $code ": rock ( -- ) \\ rock play. ;"
+ ": paper ( -- ) \\ paper play. ;"
+ ": scissors ( -- ) \\ scissors play. ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Object System"
+ "Supports \"duck typing\""
+ "Two tuples can have a slot with the same name"
+ "Code that uses accessors will work on both"
+ "Objects are not hashtables; slot access is very fast"
+ "Tuple slots can be reordered/redefined"
+ "Instances in memory will be updated"
+ }
+ { $slide "Object System"
+ "Predicate classes"
+ { $code
+ "PREDICATE: positive < integer 0 > ;"
+ "PREDICATE: negative < integer 0 < ;"
+ ""
+ "GENERIC: abs ( n -- )"
+ ""
+ "M: positive abs ;"
+ "M: negative abs -1 * ;"
+ "M: integer abs ;"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Object System"
+ "More: inheritance, type declarations, read-only slots, union, intersection, singleton classes, reflection"
+ "Object system is entirely implemented in Factor"
+ }
+ { $slide "Implementation"
+ "VM in C++ (12,000 lines of code)"
+ "Lines of code: 300,000"
+ "Lines of tests: 80,000"
+ "Lines of docs: 70,000"
+ }
+ { $slide "Project Infrastructure"
+ { $url "" }
+ { $url "" }
+ { $url "" }
+ { $url "" }
+ { $url "" }
+ "Uses our HTTP server, SSL, DB, Atom libraries..."
+ }
+ { $slide "Project Infrastructure"
+ "Build farm, written in Factor"
+ "Multiple OS and architecture"
+ "Builds Factor and all libraries, runs tests, makes binaries"
+ "Saves us from the burden of making releases by hand"
+ "Maintains stability"
+ }
+ { $slide "Questions"
+ "It is hard to cover everything in a single talk"
+ "Factor has many cool things that I didn't talk about"
+ "Questions?"
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ { $code
+ "USE: xkcd"
+ "XKCD: 138"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE: reddit"
+ "\"programming\" subreddit."
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ { $vocab-link "minesweeper" }
+ { $vocab-link "game-of-life" }
+ { $vocab-link "boids" }
+ { $vocab-link "pong" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ "8080 cpu emulator"
+ { $code
+ "\"resource:roms\" rom-root set-global"
+ }
+ { $vocab-link "" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ { $vocab-link "bloom-filters" }
+ { $vocab-link "cuckoo-filters" }
+ { $vocab-link "persistent" }
+ { $vocab-link "trees" }
+ { $vocab-link "tuple-arrays" }
+ { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ { $code
+ "USE: text-to-speech"
+ "\"hello\" speak-text"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE: morse"
+ "\"hello\" play-as-morse"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE flip-text"
+ "\"hello\" flip-text ."
+ }
+ { $code
+ "USE: emojify"
+ "\"I :heart: Factor! :+1!\" emojify ."
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ { $code
+ "USE: google.charts"
+ "\"x = \\\\frac{-b \\\\pm \\\\sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a}\""
+ "<formula> 200 >>width 75 >>height chart."
+ }
+ { $code
+ "100 [ 100 random ] replicate"
+ "100 [ 100 random ] replicate"
+ "zip <scatter> chart."
+ }
+ { $code
+ "\"/usr/share/dict/words\" utf8 file-lines"
+ "[ >lower 1 head ] histogram-by"
+ "sort-keys <bar>"
+ " COLOR: green >>foreground"
+ " 400 >>width"
+ " 10 >>bar-width"
+ "chart."
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool Things"
+ "Tab completion"
+ { $code
+ "http"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "P\" vocab:math"
+ }
+ { $code
+ "COLOR: "
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cool things"
+ { $code "./factor -run=file-server" }
+ { $code "./factor -run=file-monitor" }
+ { $code "./factor -run=tools.dns" }
+ { $code "./factor" }
+ }
+: svfig-talk ( -- ) svfig-slides "SVFIG Talk" slides-window ;
+MAIN: svfig-talk